Underground Tank Cut Out

Picture of Nick Saunders

Nick Saunders

Operations Manager at J.W Hinchliffe Tanks

Loading the cut sections of tank for disposal.
A recent project in Cheshire required the removal of two water filled underground fuel tanks. The site wasn’t particularly big and the work also required a number of vehicles to manoeuvre on site. This required the tanks to be taken out with minimal disruption to the forecourt apron, thus still allowing vehicle movements at particular times. Upon receiving a temporary discharge permit from the relevant authorities, we were able to safely discharge the water content in the tanks into the on site interceptor, using our mobile oil/water separator. Once the tanks were cleaned and under a gas free certificate, our cutting method allowed us to cut the tanks from their location, without the need to excavate and stockpile large amounts of earth. As each section of tank plate was cut from the ground, it was stacked neatly in a pile awaiting collection by our own crane vehicle. This as where our involvement with the project ended as the principle contractors own geotechnical team then took over to begin sampling the area ready for remediation if required. Our phase of the works was completed a day ahead of schedule which allowed all sampling to be completed prior to the arrival of the groundworks team. To read more about our underground tank removal services, please click here.

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