Commercial Fuel Tank Refurbishment


Restore and Extend the Life of Your Tanks

Following an increase in demand, JWH, in partnership with SDR Fabrications, is now offering a comprehensive Fuel Tank Refurbishment service from our Bristol depot. This joint venture combines JWH’s expertise in tank cleaning and gas-free services with SDR Fabrications’ skilled welding capabilities, providing a comprehensive solution for all your fuel tank refurbishment needs.

Whether you require a simple external coat of paint or a complete overhaul that includes non-destructive testing (NDT), we offer efficient and cost-effective solutions to enhance the longevity and performance of your existing fuel infrastructure.

We can either uplift your tank to our facility for refurbishment or conduct the work directly at your site, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.

Our Tank Refurbishment Process

Our comprehensive refurbishment process includes thorough internal cleaning, installation or cleaning of required ancillary equipment, removal of rust, application of primer and finally, painting in the colour of your choice. In more severe situations, we can also offer additional coating options using resin based protection systems in order to provide further longevity to older tanks.

Throughout the entire process, we provide regular reports and accompanying photographs, keeping you informed about the progress and ensuring transparency at every stage.

With our Fuel Tank Refurbishment service, you can maximise the utility of your existing infrastructure, extend the life of your fuel tanks and achieve improved performance, all while benefiting from our commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction.

Contact us today to explore how our tailored refurbishment solutions can meet your specific needs and enhance the efficiency of your fuel storage systems.


If you would like to discuss your Fuel Tank Refurbishment requirements with one of our experienced engineers, please feel free to call us on 0113 2635163 , email [email protected] or fill out our enquiry form.

Our Approach to Fuel Tank Refurbishment: Safety, Quality and Efficiency

JWH offers a seamless fuel tank refurbishment process, handling all aspects in-house. This enables us to provide comprehensive assistance and address your enquiries throughout the entire refurbishment journey, from beginning to completion.

Equipped with the right tools and a safety-first mentality, we prioritise minimising disruption to our clients while delivering Fuel Tank Refurbishments of the highest quality, swiftly and efficiently. Recognising that each project is unique, we tailor our quotations and work systems to align precisely with your specific requirements.


Safety is paramount throughout the refurbishment process. Our in-house safety team will design a safe system of work utilising knowledge, experience and the required equipment to ensure that the entire process is safely managed. Our commitment to safety extends from assessment to completion.


Our Quality Control process includes inspections and testing to ensure that every tank meets and exceeds industry standards. Where required, we can adopt non-destructive testing (NDT) to assess tank integrity, delivering high-quality, long-lasting results.


We leverage cutting-edge technology and equipment to enhance efficiency without compromising quality. This reduces downtime and minimises disruption to your operations. From internal cleaning to structural repairs, our methods and technologies optimise the refurbishment process.

We are dedicated to environmental responsibility, minimising our footprint with eco-friendly practices and materials.

Choose JWH for excellence in fuel tank refurbishment, resulting in improved performance and longevity for your fuel storage systems.


The decision to refurbish your commercial fuel tank is a significant one, and choosing the right partner for the job is crucial. JWH are committed to excellence and customer satisfaction, setting us apart as the ideal choice for your fuel tank refurbishment needs.

Safety is our foremost priority. We adhere to rigorous safety protocols to ensure the well-being of our team members and your facility throughout the refurbishment process. You can trust us to prioritise safety at every stage.

With years of experience in fuel tank refurbishment, we bring a wealth of knowledge and industry expertise to every project. Our team of professionals is trained, certified, and dedicated to delivering top-notch services.

We uphold the highest standards of quality in all our refurbishment work. Our meticulous quality control procedures include inspections and testing to guarantee that your refurbished fuel tank meets and exceeds industry standards.

We invest in state-of-the-art technology and equipment, allowing us to provide efficient and precise refurbishment services. Our advanced tools enhance the quality and efficiency of our work.

We are committed to minimising our environmental impact. Whenever possible, we use eco-friendly practices and materials during refurbishment, promoting sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint.

No two projects are the same. We work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and challenges, providing tailored refurbishment solutions that are cost-effective and efficient.

From project inception to completion, we manage all aspects to keep you informed and confident in the progress of your refurbishment project. Timelines, milestones, and clear communication are integral parts of our project management.

With JWH, you can trust that our commitment to your satisfaction doesn’t end when the refurbishment project is complete. We’re with you for the long haul, providing the warranty and post-refurbishment support you need to enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained and efficient fuel tank for years to come.

Contact us today to discuss how JWH can help with your fuel tank refurbishment needs.


The timeline for fuel tank refurbishment varies based on several factors, including the tank’s size, the extent of internal cleaning and repainting, additional work like NDT testing and weather conditions. When refurbishing externally, we plan carefully to minimise disruptions, especially during adverse weather.

In most cases, yes. However, factors such as the tank’s age and the level of corrosion it has experienced should be considered. For larger tanks, an inspection by a qualified EEMUA assessor and NDT/MPI testing can provide a clear indication of the remaining expected lifespan. If the tank’s structural condition is reasonable, refurbishment can result in significant cost savings.

Whether your tank is refurbished on-site or transported to our facility depends on the potential disruption to your business. We have successfully conducted fuel tank refurbishments on 600,000 litre tanks while they remain on-site. Conversely, we’ve also uplifted 55,000-litre tanks and completed the work at our premises.

During the quotation stage, we’ll tailor a package to suit your specific needs.

Our fuel tank refurbishment services are versatile and applicable to a wide range of tanks, including diesel, gas oil and kerosene.

We understand the importance of minimising disruptions to your operations. While some downtime may be necessary, we work diligently to ensure that it is kept to a minimum. Our team will coordinate with you to plan the refurbishment process efficiently and communicate any potential downtime in advance. We can also offer a loan tank where down time is simply not an option.

The expected lifespan of a refurbished fuel tank can vary based on factors such as the tank’s initial condition, the extent of refurbishment work, and ongoing maintenance. With proper care and maintenance, a well-refurbished tank can serve you for many years, often extending its operational life significantly.

Yes, we offer maintenance services for refurbished fuel tanks to ensure their continued performance and longevity. Our maintenance programs can include regular inspections, corrosion prevention, and necessary repairs to keep your tank in optimal condition.


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