Diesel Tank Cleaning – A Guide
The object of this article is to give some information on how our team carry out diesel tank cleaning. This guide includes information for both above and underground diesel tanks and includes information for both domestic and commerical. It must be recognised that any works on fuel and oil tanks should be carried out by a competent and experienced contractor. The contractor should adopt practices in line with guidance such as ‘Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations (4th Edition), OFTEC Technical Book 3, HSE Guidance and Best Practice and all legal duties set out under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.Service Overview
At JWH Tanks Ltd. tank cleaning is a fundamental part of our business. It is the most common task completed for our customers. All tank cleaning is carried out by our in house team and is tailored to your needs.Why Have Your Diesel Tank Cleaned?
The main reason for a tank clean is to prevent contaminination of your diesel stock. Sludge and other materials can often be found at the bottom of tanks and in turn, affect your supply. Diesel bug is a contamination of diesel fuel by microbes such as bacteria and fungi and can cause an all manor of issues. These can be, but not limited to:- Blocked filters
- Sediments in filters
- Fuel discolouration
- Corrosion in the fuel tank