Gas Oil Tank Cleaning.
Preparing for April 2022, the pro’s and con’s to red diesel tax reform.
Making your organisation ready.
The reform:

The background to this article is in the UK government’s 2019 pledge to cease contributing to global warming by 2050. How can gas oil tank cleaning link into that you might ask? From April 2022, the entitlement for many sectors across UK industry to
use rebated gas oil (red diesel) will cease. Such tax reform will undoubtedly cause a financial burden for many companies, but there is also an operational issue, this is where gas oil tank cleaning can help.
The issue:
Companies swiching from using gas oil (red diesel) to white diesel or other alternative fuels, will not only need to run down their existing stock, but also clean their tank internally to avoid cross contamination issues. There will be some initial costs involved with transitioning away from gas oil, but there can also be a number of upsides to both cleaning storage tanks and transitioning to a new fuel.
The upside:
- Opportunities to implement fuel saving procedures or technologies.
- Switching over to more sustainable fuels such as GTL or HVO.
- Reducing breakdowns through having clean fuel storage.
- Environmental compliance with tank inspections and reporting.
Becasue the reforms are set to be implemented from April 2022, there will likely be a host of organisations requiring tank cleaning and related services right up until the deadline. This makes it even more important to plan ahead and ensure that your company is ready for the change.
A policy article on the .gov website can be read here.
Gas oil tank cleaning forms just a part of the overall service offered by JWH Tanks, click here to see our range of services.
To discuss tank cleaning or any other fuel related issue, you can call our head office branch directly on 01132635163. You can also email us at [email protected] and we’ll get straight back to you.